
Wyrmrider Ascending

Larger than dragons. Nastier than snakes. Terrifying as hell.

The wyrm have escaped the void.

They threaten the underwater mer-kingdom of Fomoria... a kingdom of my ancestors...  and the city of New Orleans. 

Why am I the only one who can hear their cries?

Something else is coming... something much worse…

Even the wyrm are terrified…

I have to save them, before the Fomorian merlegion destroys them.

But can I even tame these monsters? 

If not, it won’t just mean the slaughter of the merfolk, or the death of humanity.

It will mean the end of existence itself.

Wyrmrider Vengeance

Zombie sharks! What the ... ?

It's not the first time I've faced a bokor...

But this dude (or dudette?) is on a whole other level of evil.

I mean, it's not unheard of for bokors to raise zombies...

But sharks? Come on!

The wyrmriders are getting there...

They've been training. We're becoming a force.

But the sharks move like torpedoes... these aren't drag-your-desiccated-flesh-behind-you zombie creatures...

They are fast... think World War Z meets Jaws...

And they're hungry. Their population is growing... if they make it to the beaches... if they bite any humans, any merfolk... who knows what will happen.

But even if we manage to stop the sharks, if I can't find the bokor behind it all, he'll just make more. And I can't figure out what his end-game is...

Will I be able to find him, and stop him in time, or will the oceans fall prey to a zombie-shark apocalypse?

Wyrmrider Justice

Time-traveling ghost pirates? Just when you thought you'd seen it all...

I thought I stopped the caplata... but she apparently has another trick left up her sleeve...

An old alliance, revived...

Forget Jack Sparrow... these pirate ghosts are out for blood.

And their ghost ships rival the Black Pearl... they have a whole fleet...

What is their agenda? No one knows.

Can the wyrmriders even stop them?

If we can't, they'll unleash their horrors on the world.


The Druid Legacy


The Voodoo Legacy